Anti Oxidant
Delphinol extract standardized to anthocyanins content

Delphinol activates antioxidant defense better than resveratrol

Sherine Deakin, Sandra MacRury, Isobel Ford, Ian Megson2 & Derek Stewart
- Plant Products and Food Quality Programme, Scottish Crop Research Institute, Dundee, DD2 5DA 2Department of Diabetes and Cardiovascular Science
- UHI Millennium Institute, Inverness, UK 3School of Medicine and Dentistry
- University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, UK.
Delphinol maqui berry as Powerful source for potent polyphenols
A study carried at a university in Chile compared the polyphenol content in different berries, by just preparing the juice of berries. They compared the amounts of flavonoids present in berries and also established the “total radical absorbance potency”, the latter being a similar antioxidant potency test like “ORAC”. They found that brighter coloured berries typically bear lower flavonoid quantities than darker berries, such as the blackberry.
Researchers discovered that the maqui berry bears approximately three-times as many polyphenols than the blackberry and correspondingly has about three-fold antioxidant potency as the blackberry. Investigations such as these generated a first interest in maqui berries with regard to their health contributions.

Delphinol superior full-spectrum antioxidant ORAC potency
Delphinol has been analysed at the Brunswick Laboratories for estimation of the total ORAC value.
The most recent ORAC testing protocol was employed, which investigates the efficacy of an antioxidant for extinguishing five different oxygen radicals.
Delphinol was shown to extinguish all five radical species and yields a total ORAC potency of 30,852 micro-mol Trolox equivalents per gram of the extract.

Reduction of oxidative stress in smokers
- 200 mg / day
- Reduction of isoprostanes
- Reduction of oxidized LDL
Reduction of blood sugar with single acute dose according to dose finding study of 60mg, 120mg, 180mg
Anti inflammatory
Anti aging
Glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) reduction
Increase HDL parameters